Camp Updates

Spring Camp 2023

Registration has opened for the EduCamp Spring Camp 2023!

Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3YPzQCx 

What is included in Spring Camp 2023?

Learn about topics like the Chinese Zero COVID Policy, feminism, COVID effects around the world, and climate change. Students will participate in an engaging and active environment of informal debates, student presentations, and content seminars.

Here is the Mandarin version of the Spring Camp 2023 promotional poster!


Registration has opened for the EduCamp Initiate Program!

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/7k1BHnsjabMgfyfb6 

What is the EduCamp Initiative Program?

The Initiative Program is the most direct way for EduCamp instructors to share their experiences in teaching, leading, and organization. Students who sign up for the camp will learn what they need to know in order to start their own initiatives.

Want to learn more about signing up and the benefits?

Click this link or the image on the right to learn more about the program.


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