Winter Camp 2022

This camp focused on the application process for volunteer and job opportunities. Students were taught how to properly plan for events, take notes, and create resumes. They also learned more about themselves through an MBTI test and a lifemap. Afterwards, students practiced their skills in a mock interview. This five day camp ran from December 30, 2022 - January 3, 2022, starting at 9:30am MST/MDT and ended at 12:30 MST/MDT.

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Summer Camp 2022

This camp focused on the essay writing, and students were able to practice these skills through exercises, games, and a final project. The four day camp ran from August 1, 2022 - August 4, 2022, starting at 12pm MST/MDT and ended at 3pm MST/MDT.

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Spring Camp 2022

We split this camp into content seminars that included economics, social justice, international relations, politics, and the environment. Campers were then able to display their knowledge through CNDF (Canadian National Debate Format) debates, which they were also taught. This camp ran from March 28-30 from 11am MST/MDT - 3pm MST/MDT.

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Summer Camp 2021 

This camp taught general life skills as well as other academic subjects. The content seminars were split into time management, basic speech, economics, current events, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, coding, and networking. This camp had two dates, first one on July 26-30, 2021 from 3pm MST/MDT - 6pm MST/MDT. The second part took place on August 16-20, also from 3pm MST/MDT - 6pm MST/MDT.

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Spring Camp 2021

The focus of this camp was teaching the campers CNDF (Canadian National Debate Format). The campers were then able to demonstrate their understanding of the topic through various debate games, in class discussion, and a mini debate tournament. 40% of the profits from this camp were donated to the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. This camp ran from March 27-31, 2021, starting at 10am MST/MDT - 2:30 MST/MDT.

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Winter Camp 2020 

This was the first camp ever hosted by Educamp, and focused on life skills needed in school. This included note taking, how to make a good presentation, basic public speaking, and social paradigms. Campers were able to demonstrate their knowledge through class discussion and a final presentation project. The first week of camp ran from December 20-24,  2020, and the second week ran from December 28 - January 1, 2020. During these dates, camp started at 1:30pm MST/MDT and ended at 3:30pm MST/MDT.

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