Spring Camp 2021

A demo debate was done by the instructors to familiarize students with CNDF. Click here or the image to view the entire demo document.

The goal of Spring Camp 2021 was to create an engaging space for students to learn about debate from our instructors who are all international level debaters. 

Spring Camp 2021 ran from March 27th to March 31st. The  60 students who registered for this camp were split into an advanced and beginner class. Since students were not required to have any prior debate experience, we wanted to create meaningful growth for students from all skill levels. This camp covered many aspects of debate like making arguments, weighing, clash, organization, motions, flowing, impromptu, and judge types. To help students, the instructors also hosted a demo debate to help students get a better understanding of debate. On the last day of this camp, we also hosted a camp wide debate tournament to allow students to test their skills and recognize their accomplishments throughout the camp.