Chief Executive Officer

Hello! My name is Mira Zheng, I'm attending Old Scona Academic for Grade 11. I'm a debater (international level), avid drama watcher, and ski instructor! Feel free to reach out if you just want to have a chat or have ANY questions :)  ( email: mira.zheng10@gmail.com or instagram: mira.zheng1 )


Finance Manager

Hola, my name is Sunny Li and I'll be attending Old Scona in Grade 11. I'm a self proclaimed math nerd, international level debater and really enjoy teaching others. Asides from all that, I also play Valorant (occassionally a bit more than I should).


Graphics Director

Hey, my name is Grace Zang and I'm in grade 11 attending Old Scona Academic! I'm an international level debater, placing 3rd at CNDF Nationals, and 5th speaker at Harvard PF. I enjoy art , Genshin Impact, and Valorant.


Communications Manager

Hey! I'm Tiffany, and I'm attending grade 10 at Webber Academy. I enjoy activities such as debate, drawing, and dance. Other than the college application introduction, I enjoy playing Genshin, and watching anime. Nice to meet you! Also I swear I don't talk like this in real life 


Events Director

Hi I’m Bella and I’m going into grade 10 next year at Old Scona Academic. I do debate in a variety of formats such as American Public Forum, World Schools, British Parliamentary, and Canadian National. Aside from that, I also do competitive swimming and competition math, and my hobbies include drawing, writing, and (unfortunately) playing gatcha games.


Marketing Director

Hihi! I'm Ardelle, and I'm in grade 10 at Burnaby South Secondary. My hobbies include debate (champion SFU CNDF Silver Finals, top speaker La Costa WS, semi-finalist PF International Tournament of Champions, overall top team Senior CNDF Championships), drawing, and crying over capybaras.Â